Walking the line between nerd and cool.

Sawmill Creek Day 2

It’s 12:45 a.m., with a time change still to come, so I’ll keep this short.  Our youth are really awesome.  We had a rough start this morning with a long first session followed by a Bible study that just bombed, partly because of the design/execution and partly because of the room arrangements.  Acoustics were horrible and made it impossible to hear much of anything.  Despite that, our youth did not complain about the experience at all. 

We ended our night sharing ways that people made us laugh, how we were good friends and where we saw Jesus in each other.  We went around the circle and shared stuff about each person.  It was a great way to end the evening, and I think our youth loved both the sharing and the hearing.  I’m so thankful we decided to come!

2 responses

  1. Debbie

    Our kids are awesome, and so is our youth leadership! I thank God for each one of you! I pray for your safe and speedy (under 6 hours!) return today.

    March 9, 2008 at 8:12 am

  2. Tim

    I’m sure it was a tough decision to go considering the weather, but it sounds like the experience was just tremendous in so many ways. God blessed the trip!

    March 9, 2008 at 9:09 pm

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